Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Sémillon Valle del Maule 75 cl. Origin.


Garage Wine (Garage Wine & Co).


Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard.


White wineSémillon.

Country of origin.


Region of origin.

ChileMaule Valley.

Appellation of origin.

ChileI.G. Valle del Maule.

(UE)401/2010 Certification.

Indicación Geográfica (I.G.)
Indicación de Procedencia (I.P.)
I.G. Valle del Maule.


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).


Garage Wine (Garage Wine & Co).


Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard.


White wineSémillon.

Country of origin


Region of origin

ChileMaule Valley.

Appellation of origin

ChileI.G. Valle del Maule.

(UE)401/2010 Certification

Indicación Geográfica (I.G.)
Indicación de Procedencia (I.P.)
I.G. Valle del Maule.


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).

Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Sémillon Valle del Maule 75 cl. Data sheet.


White wine.
I.G. Valle del Maule.


White wineSémillon.

Vintage / Harvest.

Currently marketed by the producer.




75 cl.

Alcohol content.

12% Vol.


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).

Visual tasting note.

Lime yellow, Pale edging, Lemon reflections, Ripe cherry.

Olfactory tasting note.

Milky notes, White flowers, Raisined fruits, Fleshy white fruits.

Tasting note.

Deep, Custard apple, Prolonged minerality, Very enveloping.

Recommended pairing.

Black rice, Arab cuisine, Seafood paella.

Consumption temperature.

13ºC - 15ºC.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.


White wine.
I.G. Valle del Maule.


White wineSémillon.

Vintage / Harvest

Currently marketed by the producer.




75 cl.

Alcohol content

12% Vol.


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).

Visual tasting note

Lime yellow, Pale edging, Lemon reflections, Ripe cherry.

Olfactory tasting note

Milky notes, White flowers, Raisined fruits, Fleshy white fruits.

Tasting note

Deep, Custard apple, Prolonged minerality, Very enveloping.

Recommended pairing

Black rice, Arab cuisine, Seafood paella.

Consumption temperature

13ºC - 15ºC.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Sémillon Valle del Maule 75 cl. Description.


19 Customer reviews.

Customers rating.

Product reference.



This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).

Actual price.

69,95 €

Minimum order quantity.

1 Unit.

Shipping deadline.

Shipping Spain Spain: 4,90 € (Up to 10Kg/6 bottles)
Delivery term: Information and prices.

Storage position.

Lateral position, horizontal bottle.

Storage temperature.

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.


19 Customer reviews.

Customers rating

Product reference



This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).

Actual price

69,95 €

Minimum order quantity

1 Unit.

Shipping deadline

Shipping Spain Spain: 4,90 € (Up to 10Kg/6 bottles)
Delivery term: Information and prices.

Storage position

Lateral position, horizontal bottle.

Storage temperature

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.

19 Reviews of customers and website users. ( During the last 90 days )

Product Selection by Garage Wine.

18 Products, The best selection by Garage Wine.

Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Sémillon Valle del Maule 75 cl.

Additional information.

«Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» is produced by Garage Wine (Garage Wine & Co). «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» is monovarietal, made only with the grape variety Sémillon, 100% Sémillon. «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» is a product from Chile. The production region of «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» is Maule Valley. It is certified with I.G. Valle del Maule. The weight of «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» is 1.500 grams (1,5 Kg.).

«Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» belongs to the White wine category, White wine Appellation of origin I.G. Valle del Maule. «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» is monovarietal, made only with the grape variety Sémillon, 100% Sémillon. This product is not identified or supplied in a specific vintage. The product image and label may not match the vintage identification or other characteristics and details of the product for sale. If you wish, we can provide you with this information, and, of course, You can request a specific vintage and we will try our best to satisfy you. «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» is marketed in bottle 75 cl format. The alcohol content of «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» is 12% Vol. The weight of «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» is 1.500 grams (1,5 Kg.). Regarding the tasting of «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule», the notes lime yellow, pale edging, lemon reflections and ripe cherry stand out in its visual phase. Among the predominant notes of the olfactory tasting are milky notes, white flowers, raisined fruits and fleshy white fruits. Finally, The tasting of «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» in the taste phase stands out with deep, custard apple, prolonged minerality and very enveloping. It is recommended to pair «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» with black rice, arab cuisine and seafood paella. The optimum temperature to consume «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» is 13ºC - 15ºC.

A total of 19 valuations have been made about «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» in Consumers and users from rated «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» with an average score of 4.89 out of 5. The weight of «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» is 1.500 grams (1,5 Kg.). The final sale price of «Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Valle del Maule» is 69,95 € in

The information provided and referred to the product features and details has been provided by the expert, manufacturer or producer or published on the official sites. In no case can it be considered as assessment made by our team, unless expressly stated otherwise. We suggest you to refer to the comments and reviews posted by our customers and users to expand and contrast this information. The product image or its label is only relevant for graphic purposes, so it may not match the identification of the vintage or other features and details of the product for sale. This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. Spain. This product is shipped from Spain.


Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Sémillon Valle del Maule 75 cl.

PLEASE NOTE: Our team is currently working on the translation of this information. You can check all these details in your language in the coming days. For additional and accurate information, please refer to the original version of this content. Our team provides this information and details in Español language. In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.
Español [ ES ]

La variedad Semillón es una uva blanca originaria de la región francesa de Burdeos, donde se emplea en coupage con la variedad Sauvignon Blanc para elaborar algunos de los mejores y clásicos vinos Sauternes. Esta cepa ha sido injustamente considerada creyendo que con ella no se podían elaborar mucho más que vinos sencillos. La historia de la uva semillón es difícil de determinar. Se sabe que llegó a Australia por vez primera a principios del siglo XIX y que sobre el año 1820 la uva crecía en el 90% de los viñedos de Sudáfrica, donde se la conocía como wyndruif, esto es, “uva de vino”. En el pasado se le consideró la uva más plantada del mundo, aunque esto ya no es así.


Es una variedad muy bien adaptada a todo tipo de suelos, diferenciándose en los aromas que son más suaves en suelos silícicos y más intensos en suelos calcáreos. De alta fertilidad y productividad por lo que debe podarse en pulgares cortos y evitar varas en la poda Guyot. Las cepas presentan un pámpano de porte semi-ergido, son vigorosas y dan buenas producciones, su desborre es temprano y la maduración tardía. Los racimos de semillón son grandes y compactos, con pedúnculo corto y hombros muy marcados, bayas de difícil desprendimiento. Las uvas, de sección elíptico-circular, son grandes y bastante uniformes, tienen una piel fina de color verde muy vivo que torna a un verde amarillento al madurar, su hollejo es fino, con poca pruína, es muy sensible a las heridas por rozamiento. Con pulpa sin pigmentación, blanda y muy jugosa. La semillón es una variedad muy bien adaptada a todo tipo de suelos, diferenciándose en los aromas que son más suaves en suelos silícicos y más intensos en suelos calcáreos. Sensible a la podredumbre gris, que potenciada o inoculada sobre los racimos en maduración da excelentes dulces y licorosos peculiares (tipo sauternes). También lo es al mildiu, al black rot, a las enfermedades de la madera y muy especialmente a la yesca. La polilla del racimo, los cicadélidos y los ácaros le afectan sensiblemente. Es poco sensible al oídio y a la eutipiosis. Resiste bastante bien los fríos primaverales, el sol y los calores intensos e incluso a la sequía. Con pocos requerimientos en Magnesio, posee una alta demanda en potasio por lo que debe evitarse su injerto sobre patrones sensibles a la carencia en potasio.

Zonas de cultivo.

En Francia, la semillón crece sobre todo en Burdeos, donde es mezclada con la sauvignon blanc y la moscatel. Conocida también como bordeaux blanc, se hacen vinos secos de coupage en las AOC de Pessac-Léognan, Graves, Entre-Deux-Mers y otras con menos renombre. También se pueden encontrar viñedos de esta variedad en Portugal, Israel, California, Chile, Argentina, Sudáfrica, Australia y Nueva Zelanda. Actualmente se dice que Chile es el país con mayores plantaciones de esta uva. En Argentina existen dos zonas ideales para su implantación por sus características climáticas, el valle de Uco y el Alto Valle del Río Negro.


Esta variedad es la base de la mayoría de los Burdeos blancos ya sean del tipo secos (Graves) como de los dulces y procedentes de uvas con botritis (Sauternes), aunque casi siempre estos vinos están faltos de acidez. Los vinos jóvenes son herbáceos y muy afrutados y al envejecer en barricas de roble se obtienen vinos secos de gran calidad, con sabor a pan tostado y a miel, muy redondos y con bastante densidad y cuerpo. En Burdeos, cuando se utiliza para hacer vinos dulces (como los e Sauternes, Barsac y Cérons) suele ser la variedad mayoritaria. En estos vinos, la vid se expone a la podredumbre noble o a la botrytis cinerea, que consume parte del contenido de agua de la uva, aumenta su acidez y concentra la cantidad de azúcares presentes en la pulpa.

White wine Sémillon

Product Selection White wine Sémillon.
Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Sémillon Valle del Maule 75 cl.

Data sheet.
Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Sémillon Valle del Maule 75 cl.

White wine. Garage Wine. Isidore Vineyard. I.G. Valle del Maule. Maule Valley. Chile. Sémillon. 75 cl..

White wineSémillon.

Country of origin.


Region of origin.

ChileMaule Valley.

Appellation of origin.

ChileI.G. Valle del Maule.

Vintage / Harvest.

Currently marketed by the producer.




75 cl.

Alcohol content.

12% Vol.

Visual tasting note.

Lime yellow, Pale edging, Lemon reflections, Ripe cherry.

Olfactory tasting note.

Milky notes, White flowers, Raisined fruits, Fleshy white fruits.

Tasting note.

Deep, Custard apple, Prolonged minerality, Very enveloping.

Recommended pairing.

Black rice, Arab cuisine, Seafood paella.

Consumption temperature.

13ºC - 15ºC.


White wine.
I.G. Valle del Maule.


Garage Wine (Garage Wine & Co).


Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard.


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).


19 Customer reviews.

Customers rating.

Product reference.


Actual price.

69,95 €

Minimum order quantity.

1 Unit.

Shipping deadline.

Shipping Spain Spain: 4,90 € (Up to 10Kg/6 bottles)
Delivery term: Information and prices.

Please keep in mind.

The information provided and referred to the product features and details has been provided by the expert, manufacturer or producer or published on the official sites. In no case can it be considered as assessment made by our team, unless expressly stated otherwise.
We suggest you to refer to the comments and reviews posted by our customers and users to expand and contrast this information.


Our team provides this information and details in ESPAÑOL language.
If you browse in another language note that the information contained may have been translated from the original language through an automated real-time process that has not been supervised by our human team.
In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.

Product image.

The product image or its label is only relevant for graphic purposes, so it may not match the identification of the vintage or other features and details of the product for sale. This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time.
This product is not identified or supplied in a specific vintage. The product image and label may not match the vintage identification or other characteristics and details of the product for sale.

Return policy.

Return policy.
Last update: Tuesday, 21 May 2024
For further information: Terms and conditions of the service.

Country of origin.

Spain. This product is shipped from Spain.

(UE)401/2010 Certification.

Indicación Geográfica (I.G.)
Indicación de Procedencia (I.P.)
I.G. Valle del Maule.

Storage position.

Lateral position, horizontal bottle.

Storage temperature.

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.


This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.

Legal Notice.

It is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to, or to obtain alcohol on behalf of a person under the age of 18 years.
If you are not more than 18 years old, you must leave this website.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.


White wineSémillon.

Country of origin


Region of origin

ChileMaule Valley.

Appellation of origin

ChileI.G. Valle del Maule.

Vintage / Harvest

Currently marketed by the producer.




75 cl.

Alcohol content

12% Vol.

Visual tasting note

Lime yellow, Pale edging, Lemon reflections, Ripe cherry.

Olfactory tasting note

Milky notes, White flowers, Raisined fruits, Fleshy white fruits.

Tasting note

Deep, Custard apple, Prolonged minerality, Very enveloping.

Recommended pairing

Black rice, Arab cuisine, Seafood paella.

Consumption temperature

13ºC - 15ºC.


White wine.
I.G. Valle del Maule.


Garage Wine (Garage Wine & Co).


Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard.


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).


19 Customer reviews.

Customers rating

Product reference


Actual price

69,95 €

Minimum order quantity

1 Unit.

Shipping deadline

Shipping Spain Spain: 4,90 € (Up to 10Kg/6 bottles)
Delivery term: Information and prices.

Please keep in mind

The information provided and referred to the product features and details has been provided by the expert, manufacturer or producer or published on the official sites. In no case can it be considered as assessment made by our team, unless expressly stated otherwise.
We suggest you to refer to the comments and reviews posted by our customers and users to expand and contrast this information.


Our team provides this information and details in ESPAÑOL language.
If you browse in another language note that the information contained may have been translated from the original language through an automated real-time process that has not been supervised by our human team.
In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.

Product image

The product image or its label is only relevant for graphic purposes, so it may not match the identification of the vintage or other features and details of the product for sale. This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time.
This product is not identified or supplied in a specific vintage. The product image and label may not match the vintage identification or other characteristics and details of the product for sale.

Return policy

Return policy.
Last update: Tuesday, 21 May 2024
For further information: Terms and conditions of the service.

Country of origin

Spain. This product is shipped from Spain.

(UE)401/2010 Certification

Indicación Geográfica (I.G.)
Indicación de Procedencia (I.P.)
I.G. Valle del Maule.

Storage position

Lateral position, horizontal bottle.

Storage temperature

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.


This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.

Legal Notice

It is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to, or to obtain alcohol on behalf of a person under the age of 18 years.
If you are not more than 18 years old, you must leave this website.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.

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Garage Wine Isidore Vineyard Sémillon Valle del Maule 75 cl
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