Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric Xarel·lo 1 L. Origin.


Clos Lentiscus.


Cric Cric.


White wineXarel·lo.

Country of origin.


Region of origin.



1.650 gr. (1,7 Kg.).


Clos Lentiscus.


Cric Cric.


White wineXarel·lo.

Country of origin


Region of origin



1.650 gr. (1,7 Kg.).

Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric Xarel·lo 1 L. Data sheet.


White wine.


White wineXarel·lo.

Vintage / Harvest.

Currently marketed by the producer.




1 L.

Alcohol content.

11% Vol.


1.650 gr. (1,7 Kg.).

Visual tasting note.

Deep, Crystalline appearance, Olive yellow, Old gold tones.

Olfactory tasting note.

Fine, Mango, Herbaceous memories.

Tasting note.

Currant notes, Very smooth entry, Fruit load.

Recommended pairing.

Chicken, roasted duck, Toast with foie.

Consumption temperature.

6ºC - 10ºC.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.


White wine.


White wineXarel·lo.

Vintage / Harvest

Currently marketed by the producer.




1 L.

Alcohol content

11% Vol.


1.650 gr. (1,7 Kg.).

Visual tasting note

Deep, Crystalline appearance, Olive yellow, Old gold tones.

Olfactory tasting note

Fine, Mango, Herbaceous memories.

Tasting note

Currant notes, Very smooth entry, Fruit load.

Recommended pairing

Chicken, roasted duck, Toast with foie.

Consumption temperature

6ºC - 10ºC.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric Xarel·lo 1 L. Description.


40 Customer reviews.

Customers rating.

Product reference.



This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.


1.650 gr. (1,7 Kg.).

Actual price.

23,95 €

Minimum order quantity.

1 Unit.

Shipping deadline.

Shipping Spain Spain: 4,90 € (Up to 10Kg/6 bottles)
Delivery term: Information and prices.

Storage position.

Lateral position, horizontal bottle.

Storage temperature.

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.


40 Customer reviews.

Customers rating

Product reference



This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.


1.650 gr. (1,7 Kg.).

Actual price

23,95 €

Minimum order quantity

1 Unit.

Shipping deadline

Shipping Spain Spain: 4,90 € (Up to 10Kg/6 bottles)
Delivery term: Information and prices.

Storage position

Lateral position, horizontal bottle.

Storage temperature

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.

40 Reviews of customers and website users. ( During the last 90 days )

Product Selection by Clos Lentiscus.

19 Products, The best selection by Clos Lentiscus.

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PLEASE NOTE: Our team is currently working on the translation of this information. You can check all these details in your language in the coming days. For additional and accurate information, please refer to the original version of this content. Our team provides this information and details in Español language. In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.
Español [ ES ]
Recuperación de la masía.

En el 2000 Nuria Aviñó comenzó a renovar la finca y a recuperar las viejas viñas de Can Ramó: Xarel·lo, Ull de Llebre, Cariñena y Sumoll, un tesoro en la zona. Ése fue el principio de un proyecto enológico replantando terrazas de viñedos. Todo con un único objetivo, producir vino en la popiedad, como se hacía en el pasado. En Clos Lentiscus, a los pies del Montgròs, siempre se ha trabajado la tierra, pero no fue hasta 2001, año en el que falleció el padre de Manel Avinyó, actual propietario, cuando se inició un nuevo ciclo para la finca familiar. Se empezaron a replantar las viñas baldías y se recuperaron la bodega y la masía de la familia Avinyó. El Clos Lentiscus pertenece a una familia de viticultores cuyo objetivo es captar la esencia del terruño con sus vinos. La finca familiar del siglo XIV, rodeada de bosques mediterráneos, orientada al sur, se encuentra en el Parque Natural del Garraf. Toda la bodega está organiza siguiendo los principios de la biodinámica. Allí, gracias a las ovejas y a su caballo Ringo, y con la ayuda preciosa de sus abejas, consiguen trabajar las viñas respetándolas y producen vinos naturales que hoy en día son unos de los más interesantes de Cataluña. Además, la personalidad generosa y alegre de Manel y sus ganas de compartir sus conocimientos se notan a través de su producción.


En la actualidad, la casa está rodeada de unas 20 hectáreas de viñedo plantadas mayoritariamente con variedades autóctonas, especialmente malvasía de Sitges, xarel·lo blanco, xarel·lo vermell y sumoll. Precisamente de esta última variedad se declaran profundamente enamorados en Clos Lentiscus, pese a la complejidad que entraña elaborar buenos vinos con ella. La malvasía de Sitges es la otra uva estrella de la casa, como demuestra el hecho de que fueron los primeros en elaborar un espumoso monovarietal con ella. La esencia de la agricultura en los suelos arenosos y calcáreos de Lentiscus es biodinámica. Las viñas se encuentran en un sitio protegido: el Parque Natural del Garraf, hecho que garantiza los cultivos ecológicos de todos sus vecinos y una buena conservación del entorno. Están encaradas al sur, gozando del sol y de la brisa del mar y con contrastes térmicos muy suaves que amabilizan sus vinos.

Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric Xarel·lo 1 L.

Additional information.

«Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» is produced by Clos Lentiscus. «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» is monovarietal, made only with the grape variety Xarel·lo, 100% Xarel·lo. «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» is a product from Spain. The production region of «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» is Catalonia. The weight of «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» is 1.650 grams (1,7 Kg.).

«Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» belongs to the White wine category. «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» is monovarietal, made only with the grape variety Xarel·lo, 100% Xarel·lo. This product is not identified or supplied in a specific vintage. The product image and label may not match the vintage identification or other characteristics and details of the product for sale. If you wish, we can provide you with this information, and, of course, You can request a specific vintage and we will try our best to satisfy you. «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» is marketed in bottle 1 L format. The alcohol content of «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» is 11% Vol. The weight of «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» is 1.650 grams (1,7 Kg.). Regarding the tasting of «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric», the notes deep, crystalline appearance, olive yellow and old gold tones stand out in its visual phase. Among the predominant notes of the olfactory tasting are fine, mango and herbaceous memories. Finally, The tasting of «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» in the taste phase stands out with currant notes, very smooth entry and fruit load. It is recommended to pair «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» with chicken, roasted duck and toast with foie. The optimum temperature to consume «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» is 6ºC - 10ºC.

A total of 40 valuations have been made about «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» in Consumers and users from rated «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» with an average score of 4.88 out of 5. The weight of «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» is 1.650 grams (1,7 Kg.). The final sale price of «Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric» is 23,95 € in

The information provided and referred to the product features and details has been provided by the expert, manufacturer or producer or published on the official sites. In no case can it be considered as assessment made by our team, unless expressly stated otherwise. We suggest you to refer to the comments and reviews posted by our customers and users to expand and contrast this information. The product image or its label is only relevant for graphic purposes, so it may not match the identification of the vintage or other features and details of the product for sale. This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. Spain. This product is shipped from Spain.


Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric Xarel·lo 1 L.

PLEASE NOTE: Our team is currently working on the translation of this information. You can check all these details in your language in the coming days. For additional and accurate information, please refer to the original version of this content. Our team provides this information and details in Español language. In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.
Español [ ES ]

Esta variedad de uva blanca, de etimología italiana chiarello –clarete-, tiene su origen y capitalidad en Cataluña siendo el fruto de un cruce entre la gibi y la brustiano faux. Ya se tienen referencias de esta uva en el siglo X, cuando se utilizaba en Alella como mistela y sus vinos tenían aromas a uva pasa. En esa época era muy apreciada por alcanzar un buen grado alcohólico y acidez. También es conocida como Pansa Blanca, Pansal, Castoixa, Xarello y Sucre.


Es una variedad vigorosa, de porte tumbado y con mucha ramificación de sarmientos muy gruesos, adecuado para ser conducido en espaldera. Disfruta de una buena fertilidad, pero es de producciones irregulares. Sus racimos son de tamaño medio, con uvas uniformes, poco compactos y con hombros bien definidos. Las bayas son de tamaño medio, esféricas, difíciles de desprender de sus pedúnculos, con una piel de color verde amarilla, variando a dorado oscuro al madurar. El hollejo es grueso y consistente pero muy sensible rozamientos y escaso de pruina. La pulpa carece de pigmentación, aunque al sobremadurar suele oscurecerse, es consistente, dura, jugosa y afrutada. Al ser de desborre precoz puede verse afectada por las heladas primaverales en plantaciones situadas en terrenos hundidos. Es una variedad vigorosa pero sensible al corrimiento del racimo cuando los frutos aún no han terminado de cuajar. La disminución de bayas por racimo está acentuada en los años en que las condiciones climatológicas de cambios de temperatura, humedad y lluvias influyen desfavorablemente en el proceso de cuajado. Es muy sensible al mildiu, al oidio y a la botritis, así como a la polilla del racimo y a los ácaros. Por el contrario, resiste bastante bien a los ataques de Botrytis.

Zonas de cultivo.

El rango de altitudes a las que esta variedad funciona bien va desde el nivel del mar hasta los 400m, siendo una cepa muy rústica que se adapta muy bien a climas cálidos y secos. Hoy es una variedad extensamente cultivada en la D.O. Penedès, donde es la variedad con mayor superficie de cultivo, y en el Campo de Tarragona. También se cultiva en Castilla-la Mancha, Castilla y León, Extremadura, Mallorca y Aragón. Además de en la D.O. Penedés, existen viñedos de xarel·lo en las denominaciones de origen Alella, Costers del Segre, Tarragona y Cava. La extensión de plantaciones de xarel·lo es de aproximadamente 8.400Ha.


El coupage de Xarel·lo junto con la Parellada y la Macabeo, ha sido la combinación clásica que tradicionalmente se han empleado para la elaboración del cava. Esta variedad le aporta al cava cuerpo, estructura, grado alcohólico y acidez. Produce vinos con extracto, consistentes y voluminosos en boca. En nariz da aromas frescos y frutales a manzana, limón y pomelo. Los vinos jóvenes son suaves, con un carácter sedoso, pero con cuerpo, buena acidez, afrutados, aromáticos y con excelente graduación alcohólica.

White wine Xarel·lo

Product Selection White wine Xarel·lo.
Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric Xarel·lo 1 L.

Data sheet.
Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric Xarel·lo 1 L.

White wine. Clos Lentiscus. Cric Cric. Catalonia. Spain. Xarel·lo. 1 L..

White wineXarel·lo.

Country of origin.


Region of origin.


Vintage / Harvest.

Currently marketed by the producer.




1 L.

Alcohol content.

11% Vol.

Visual tasting note.

Deep, Crystalline appearance, Olive yellow, Old gold tones.

Olfactory tasting note.

Fine, Mango, Herbaceous memories.

Tasting note.

Currant notes, Very smooth entry, Fruit load.

Recommended pairing.

Chicken, roasted duck, Toast with foie.

Consumption temperature.

6ºC - 10ºC.


White wine.


Clos Lentiscus.


Cric Cric.


1.650 gr. (1,7 Kg.).


40 Customer reviews.

Customers rating.

Product reference.


Actual price.

23,95 €

Minimum order quantity.

1 Unit.

Shipping deadline.

Shipping Spain Spain: 4,90 € (Up to 10Kg/6 bottles)
Delivery term: Information and prices.

Please keep in mind.

The information provided and referred to the product features and details has been provided by the expert, manufacturer or producer or published on the official sites. In no case can it be considered as assessment made by our team, unless expressly stated otherwise.
We suggest you to refer to the comments and reviews posted by our customers and users to expand and contrast this information.


Our team provides this information and details in ESPAÑOL language.
If you browse in another language note that the information contained may have been translated from the original language through an automated real-time process that has not been supervised by our human team.
In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.

Product image.

The product image or its label is only relevant for graphic purposes, so it may not match the identification of the vintage or other features and details of the product for sale. This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time.
This product is not identified or supplied in a specific vintage. The product image and label may not match the vintage identification or other characteristics and details of the product for sale.

Country of origin.

Spain. This product is shipped from Spain.

Storage position.

Lateral position, horizontal bottle.

Storage temperature.

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.


This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.

Legal Notice.

It is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to, or to obtain alcohol on behalf of a person under the age of 18 years.
If you are not more than 18 years old, you must leave this website.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.


White wineXarel·lo.

Country of origin


Region of origin


Vintage / Harvest

Currently marketed by the producer.




1 L.

Alcohol content

11% Vol.

Visual tasting note

Deep, Crystalline appearance, Olive yellow, Old gold tones.

Olfactory tasting note

Fine, Mango, Herbaceous memories.

Tasting note

Currant notes, Very smooth entry, Fruit load.

Recommended pairing

Chicken, roasted duck, Toast with foie.

Consumption temperature

6ºC - 10ºC.


White wine.


Clos Lentiscus.


Cric Cric.


1.650 gr. (1,7 Kg.).


40 Customer reviews.

Customers rating

Product reference


Actual price

23,95 €

Minimum order quantity

1 Unit.

Shipping deadline

Shipping Spain Spain: 4,90 € (Up to 10Kg/6 bottles)
Delivery term: Information and prices.

Please keep in mind

The information provided and referred to the product features and details has been provided by the expert, manufacturer or producer or published on the official sites. In no case can it be considered as assessment made by our team, unless expressly stated otherwise.
We suggest you to refer to the comments and reviews posted by our customers and users to expand and contrast this information.


Our team provides this information and details in ESPAÑOL language.
If you browse in another language note that the information contained may have been translated from the original language through an automated real-time process that has not been supervised by our human team.
In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.

Product image

The product image or its label is only relevant for graphic purposes, so it may not match the identification of the vintage or other features and details of the product for sale. This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time.
This product is not identified or supplied in a specific vintage. The product image and label may not match the vintage identification or other characteristics and details of the product for sale.

Country of origin

Spain. This product is shipped from Spain.

Storage position

Lateral position, horizontal bottle.

Storage temperature

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.


This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.

Legal Notice

It is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to, or to obtain alcohol on behalf of a person under the age of 18 years.
If you are not more than 18 years old, you must leave this website.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.

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Clos Lentiscus Cric Cric Xarel·lo 1 L
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